What is the best colour for a cinema room. An often discussed subject with our clients and client design team.
A world-class home cinema is designed to replicate or surpass the performance found in the very best commercial movie theatres. We use high-quality audio and video components that create a seamless and immersive viewing experience. However, an often-overlooked aspect of this experience is the colour of the room and the amount of reflected light in the space.
Prestige Audio customers always get the performance they deserve but this is because we understand how to adapt either the room itself for high-performance or use our experience and the equipment at our disposal to compensate for unforgiving environments.
If you are in the design community and have customers asking about home cinema, it pays to be working with a proper professional installers who understand how any type of room design is going to playout if the space is going to be used as a cinema.
So why is the colour of a cinema room import
So why is colour and important? Well, a room with lots of lighter colours like whites and greys is going to affect what you see on the screen because these parts of the spectrum reflect more light. This means that any light that is available in the room (apart from the light from the projector) may end up on the screen causing the images to look washed out and milky. Introducing any type of light onto the screen that is not meant to be there will mean that the vibrant and immersive images we are looking to create will be affected.

Even in a dark room there can be issues. Different types of black makes a difference, ideally you want matt back as opposed to shiny more reflective black cutting down on any light pollution encroaching onto the screen.
Where possible you also want to avoid too many reflective surfaces in a home cinema. We recommend matt tables or bar tops because even a dark coloured surface can reflect light if it is shiny. Light reflections cause distracting glare and reduce the overall perceived contrast of the picture.
Furthermore, careful consideration must be given to the placement of lighting fixtures so that they complement performance and make the space easy and practical to use, but not introduce potentially distracting light sources during playback.
Our team are focused on creating the very best result for every customer and as home cinema experts, if you want the very best performance possible, our recommendation for the best colour for a cinema room is a dark space with no distracting reflections. We also realise our customers may not want an environment like that, they may want to integrate a cinema into an existing living space and that presents us with challenges.

This is why bringing a world-class home cinema expert is so important. We have the equipment and techniques at our disposal that mean we can put a home cinema almost anywhere and compensate for the challenges therein. This is sometimes not easy, we often need all of our knowledge to get there, but get there we do and always with flying colours.